Well, here are some more pictures of my most recent stint with the
Medieaval town... (see my last town, much

This is the picture that the layout was more or less designed

Well, here's more or less the same view from slightly above...

Here's the 'cookware' shop... (I'll probably change this shop to a
fruit/vegetable stand later, since it's the widest and has plenty of
room, and I doubt a 'cookware' shop would be as extensive as I've made
this one)

Here's the other two shops... I think the one on the right is a
butcher, and the one on the left sells leather goods... Actually, as
for the 'butcher', I just put in some brown 1x plates and said...
"yeah, that looks like he's selling something... I'm not sure what but
it's something" But it could be meat... again, the wares that he's
selling will probably change...

Here's the back of the scene, behind the market.... I envision the
rest of the streets looking more or less like this, with houses
closely packed on streets, but alas, with only 7 houses, it's tough to
make a "complete" town... just pretend you see the rest of the town :)

Here's the town from the back....

No comment.

This is the entire layout, just to give you an idea of it if you didn't
already have one from the other images :)

Ah yes, the unfinished mill. I'll need more tan plates for the roof
before completing it, and I'll put in some widows too (and EVENTUALLY,
after we get our items back from the store display, I'll put in an
interior) but for now, here it is...

Here's a closeup of the waterwheel just to show a little more
detail... I'm not sure how large waterwheels were typically, but this
one works out to about just under 15 feet in minifig scale... (7mm ~ 1
minifig scale foot)