Dave's Lego Site | Web Tools | Lego Purity
Here's how 1444 people felt about various Lego building styles. Your responses are shown as the small arrow, while the weighted average of people's responses is shown in the colored bar.

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On a scale of 0-10, you rated yourself 4/10 in terms of purity.

According to our data, on a purity scale from 0-10, you rate 0.00/10.
  Pure Impure

Using official Lego stickers 77%

Raised Baseplates 73%

Duplo 72%

"New" colors (bley, dark bley, new brown) 72%

Large elements buildable from smaller ones (1x2x5 bricks, 2x6x3 bricks, etc) 70%

Building with virtual bricks 70%

Large Prefab Elements (BURPs, rope bridge, car chassis, etc) 68%

Non-ABS (but solid colored) elements (new non-ABS swords, Exo-Force hair pieces, etc) 66%

Fan-created stickers (Your LUG's logo, for example) 63%

Any stickers/decals at all (Train decals, stickers you made yourself, etc) 60%

Cutting Flex-Tubing to arbitrary sizes (not-specified-by-Lego-sizes) 58%

Blended-color elements (multi-color BURPs, various Bionicle elements, etc) 56%

Fan Clones (Brick Forge, Little Armory, etc) 55%

Fan-Modified official Lego elements (etched BrickFest badges, etc) 55%

"Unintentionally" official things (part of a Lego box, a Lego baggie, etc) 55%

Belville 53%

Primo 52%

Scala 50%

Bionicle 47%

Modifying Official Lego stickers 46%

Non-Lego common household stuff (string, rubber bands, Saran Wrap) 42%

ZNAP 41%

Modulex 40%

Clikits 38%

Your own sculpted elements 31%

Modifying your own Clone elements (cutting, melting, etc Lego clone elements) 29%

Galidor 27%

Modifying your own Lego bricks (cutting, melting, etc official Lego elements) 25%

Non-Lego Pitsco products (toothpicks, straws, etc) 22%

Painting your model or elements 21%

Glue 16%

Clone Brands (Mega Bloks, Best Lock, etc) 13%

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