Dave's Lego Site | Events | Lego Pre Road Show 2003

Pre-Road Show in Enfield

We were recently (June 2003) asked to attend the "Pre" Road Show for 2003. This served as sort of a 'test run' of the up and coming summer road show that Lego is planning for 20 US cities this summer. Being closeby, they asked my local LUG, NELUG, to see if we could add a display to the event, hopefully giving some additional inspiration to participants. (Also check out Dan & Jenn Boger's pictures: Day 1 Day 2, and Travis Kunce's pictures)
Unfortunately, my camera was apparently doing something wacky with the settings. I'll see if I can somehow Photoshop 'em into looking more decent. But anyway, here's some of the things we had at our little table:
Perhaps my pride of the show was this medieval layout (with a few additions from Joe Comeau). Having never photographed it before, I went a little camera-happy with this moc:
The rest of the show was pretty cool-- it looks like the idea of the show is simply to get kids to try and build, build, build. There were several areas set up for them to play with assortments of bricks, mostly from the new Designer sets; but also from Clickits & Duplo as well.
They also had an area to show off what kids had made. It started out as a blank slate cityscape, and gradually filled up with cute looking MOCs.
Alongside our tent was this-- a collection of "master builder" creations, all made from the designer sets. Some (I believe) were models featured in the sets, but some were 'brand new'. What's more, one of the "master builders" themselves was approving and critiquing creations.
Although supposedly not part of the show, the Bionicle van also stopped by with the new assortment of Bionicles. I have to admit even though I was never impressed with the previous line of Bionicles, I'm intruegued with some of the newer designs.

Images and additional site content are ©2002-2025 David Eaton unless otherwise noted. The Lego company does not support, endorse, or affiliate itself with this website.