Dave's Lego Site | Creations | AT-AT

Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 4.2 AT-AT Reference F.A.Q.

Soon after taking digital pictures of my 2nd version of the AT-AT, I made two heartbreaking discoveries. The 1st was a Lego version of an AT-ST online, by Shaun Sullivan (The version I saw, and the most recent version) . It had such detail that made me realize my version of the AT-AT was nowhere near up to snuff. The 2nd discovery was that Shaun was in the process of making his own AT-AT. I knew I had to do better.

So, after several more months of work and a complete rebuild, I came up with a new version. What's more, it turned out that Shaun was in the area-- and even ended up joining the same local Lego club that I was in (NELUG). And as it happened, both Shaun and I released our AT-AT's within 2 weeks of each other in the fall of 1999, having the opportunity to display them both on the same layout at the MIT Mindfest only days later.

Of course, after reading up on AT-AT's I found out that they are manned by Imperial troops. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure which kind of Imperial troops they meant, so I tried some shots with both kinds:

This AT-AT featured a much more accurate interior, along with a speeder bike hangar, capable of holding only four of my custom-made speeder bikes.

Like both the AT-AT's that preceeded it, I also felt compelled to make a Hoth layout for displaying it. For the 1st time, I built a snow-dusted rock wall where the Rebel base was supposed to be, along with working bay doors.

Images and additional site content are ©2002-2025 David Eaton unless otherwise noted. The Lego company does not support, endorse, or affiliate itself with this website.