A minifig scale AT-AT (revision, oh, say 4.2), including older versions 1-4, an F.A.Q., and information on AT-AT's. |
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Designed as a setting for a BrikWars game, the PARV. |
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A minifig scale snowspeeder. |
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The X-wing fighter, re-told in Lego. |
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The Rebel Base on Hoth, including small tidbits like TaunTauns, turrets, and other greebly base details. |
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A Medieval Village with farmland, houses, a marketplace, water-powered mill, and more. |
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A small viking village. |
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A healthy-sized dragon |
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The results of squeezing a micromotor into a pod. |
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An attempt to cram in tank treads & motors into a pod. |
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A cute, articulate little rock golem design. |
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Trogdor & his buddies. |
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Mini and Micro AT-AT's and AT-ST's. |
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The Ice Cream Cruiser. |
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A Lego Dodecahedron |
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